Monday, December 3, 2012

Pleasantries / General

Pleasantries / General
Aslemma - Hello
Bislemma - Good bye
Bye Bye - Yes this does actually exist and is said all of the time!
Aye/na'am - Yes
Leh - No
Min fathlik - Please
Shokrun/barrakaloveek/ascent - Thank you
Ilelyacar - See you again
Sbakhir - Good morning
Ala Khir - Good night
Messa el Khir - Good Evening
Shniya ahwalek? - How are you?  
Lebes?  - How are you?  Lebes, winti? - I'm fine and you?
Labes elhamdulillah - I'm fine thanks (thanks to God)
Asia cullock! - Come here and let me tell you something/pay attention and listen
Sahmahni - Excuse me or sorry

Shismik? - What is your name
Ismi - My name is........
Tikallem Angleez? - Do you speak English?
Ma nifhimsh - I don't understand
Ma nitkallamsh arbi - I don't speak Arabic
Kaddesh omrek? - How old are you?

Asking for Something
Et - Give
Attini min fathlik - Please may I have
Andixshee? - Do you have?
Leh, mandeesh - No there is/there are none
Attini zeed shwayer ?- Could I have a little more?
Shwire shwire - just a little (for example in answering Do you speak any Arabic?)
Hattashay - Nothing
Tushrub Haja? - Can I get you a drink?
Schnouwa? - What?
Alesh/Aleh? - Why?
Attini zouz miyet gramme buggarah hashay? - Could I have 200g of minced beef?

Food and Drink
De bousa mer - A bottle of water
Hhobs - Bread
Helib - Milk
Athum - Eggs
zibteh - Butter
Buggarah hashay - Minced beef
Aloush - Lamb
Djege - Chicken
Hhooter - Fish
Potartah - Potatoes
Senaria - Carrots
Brigdenna - Oranges
Tafeh - Apples
Roze - Rice
Macarouna - Pasta
Sulk - Spinach
Magnoose - Flat leaf parsley
Taebal - Fresh coriander
Tay - Tea 
Kahwah - Coffee
Kahwah blairshee helib - Coffee without milk
Gahli Barcha - Too expensive

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lesson (1): Some basic vocabulary


the nouns on the left are indefinite. To make the definite noun, we add the
standard definite article [il]. Howerver, for pronunciation and assimilation reasons, the definite prefix varies from noun to noun: it assimilates with the 1st sound of the base noun. for instance, "il" remains unchanged before "ktab" = il.ktab, but changes to "r" before "rajil' --> ir-rajil (a man/ the man).  to "s" beore sukkur (sugar)= is-sukkur. 

ktab = a book (indefinite) / li-ktab (definite)                            Ajectives
rajil= a man (indefinite) / ir-rajel (definite)                                 kbiir = big/   sghiir= small  
                                                                                               ahmar= red
mra= a woman / li- mra  (definite)                                            asfar= yellow
                                                                                               akhal= black
wlad= a boy   / l-wlad                                                             abyath= white
                                                                                               akhdhar= green
bnaya= a girl   / il-bnaya                                                           azrak= blue
                                                                                               skhuun= hot/ ghaali=expensive
stilo= a pen   / is-stiilu                                                              baarid= cold / bniin= delicious
                                                                                               saiib= difficult/ sahel= easy
tayara= plane   / it-Tayyaara                                                    mizyan= beautiful/ mizyana= beautiful (Feminine)
                                                                                                kriib= near/ baiid= far away
passpor= passport  /il-passpor                                                 ghali= expensive/ rkhiiss= cheap
flouss= money  /li-flouss                                    

kahwa= coffee /el-kahwa

tay= tea / et-tay

sokkor= sugar

swagher (dokhan)= cigarettes

falija= suitcase

mataar= airport


car= bus                                              

kattoussa= a cat

kalb= a dog

assfu:r: a bird

karhba: a car

korsi: a chair

tawla: a table

talfza: a TV

bouli:ss: a policeman

mhatta: station

lham: meat

djaaj: chicken

tran= train                              

khobz= bread

mouz= bananas

toffaHa= an apple

ftuur: lunch

aachee: dinner

sirwal: pants

sabbaat: shoes

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