the nouns on the left are indefinite. To make the definite noun, we add the
standard definite article [il]. Howerver, for pronunciation and assimilation reasons, the definite prefix varies from noun to noun: it assimilates with the 1st sound of the base noun. for instance, "il" remains unchanged before "ktab" = il.ktab, but changes to "r" before "rajil' --> ir-rajil (a man/ the man). to "s" beore sukkur (sugar)= is-sukkur.
ktab = a book (indefinite) / li-ktab (definite) Ajectivesstandard definite article [il]. Howerver, for pronunciation and assimilation reasons, the definite prefix varies from noun to noun: it assimilates with the 1st sound of the base noun. for instance, "il" remains unchanged before "ktab" = il.ktab, but changes to "r" before "rajil' --> ir-rajil (a man/ the man). to "s" beore sukkur (sugar)= is-sukkur.
rajil= a man (indefinite) / ir-rajel (definite) kbiir = big/ sghiir= small
ahmar= red
mra= a woman / li- mra (definite) asfar= yellow
akhal= black
wlad= a boy / l-wlad abyath= white
akhdhar= green
bnaya= a girl / il-bnaya azrak= blue
skhuun= hot/ ghaali=expensive
stilo= a pen / is-stiilu baarid= cold / bniin= delicious
saiib= difficult/ sahel= easy
tayara= plane / it-Tayyaara mizyan= beautiful/ mizyana= beautiful (Feminine)
kriib= near/ baiid= far away
passpor= passport /il-passpor ghali= expensive/ rkhiiss= cheap
flouss= money /li-flouss
kahwa= coffee /el-kahwa
tay= tea / et-tay
sokkor= sugar
swagher (dokhan)= cigarettes
falija= suitcase
mataar= airport
car= bus
kattoussa= a cat
kalb= a dog
assfu:r: a bird
karhba: a car
korsi: a chair
tawla: a table
talfza: a TV
bouli:ss: a policeman
mhatta: station
lham: meat
djaaj: chicken
tran= train
khobz= bread
mouz= bananas
toffaHa= an apple
ftuur: lunch
aachee: dinner
sirwal: pants
sabbaat: shoes
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